Afghan Traditional Dresses Biography
Traditionally, Afghan dress reflects ethnic diversity and the socio-cultural, historical, and geopolitical dynamics of the region. The country’s traditional male clothing usually includes a kameez (dress), lungee (turban), karakul, pakol, topi, kufi (hats), and a chapan (coat). Occasionally some men wear or wrap keffiyehs on their heads. Traditional Afghan clothes vary by regions and sometimes ethnicities as well as tribes. Most traditional Afghan attire for women consists of a long colorful dress with round skirt. Women customarily wear four items of dress: partug (pants), kameez (overdress), septay (a head covering, and saplay (footwear). This ensemble is referred to as Afghani Kali, or Afghan women’s dress.
As a chiefly rural and nomadic population, the Pashtun dress of Afghanistan and Pakistan is typically made from light linens, and are loose fitting for ease of movement. The Pashtun dress includes shalwar kameez, which is differently made for males and females. Males usually wear kufi, Kandahari cap, turban or pakul as traditional headgear. Leaders sometimes wear a karakul hat, like President Hamid Karzai and former monarchs of Afghanistan. Many non-Pashtuns in Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Persia and surrounding neighbors have also adopted the dress because of comfort or other reasons.
Women typically wear solid-coloured trousers, a long qemis shirt with a belt and a cotton hijab. Often they will wear an encompassing burqa over this outfit.
More elaborate and fancier dresses are detailed with gold threading, gold beads, and come in many different colors on silk fabrics. These dresses are usually worn to special occasions and weddings.
People of Afghanistan dress appropriately for the climate that they live in . The men and women have different styles of dress, and their clothing is unlike other cultures in the world.
Afghan dress for women usually wear a Tombaan which are a type of pants, a Parahaan which is an overdress and a head covering which is called a Chaadar. They also wear shoes called Payzaar. Men have overshirts called Payraan and frequently wear hats called Kuliaa. During cold seasons men also have a shawl which they call a Shaal. The materials that they wear is usually made from cotton or a type of silk.
Muslim Dress and Afghanistan female citizens often dress in Burkas, which cover their bodies and face in public.
Women often embroider clothing most of afghan clothing is embroidered cotton or silk. the techniques for embroidering or pass down from mother to daughter.the styles for clothing art is a mix between Islamic and Indian.
Traditional, afghan dress reflects thin diversity and the socio-cultural, historical and geopolitical dynamics of the region.
The country and its people are positioned at the crossroasds between the Arab, persian , turkish and Asian empires.
Consequently, afghan dress shows strong aesthetic connections to areas contiguous to its borders: the Arab and Islamic middle east and Persia, the Turkish Ottoman Empire, and to lesser degree, mughal India.
For the last three decades, the Taliban Afghans have imposed strict clothing regulations as the women had to wear long dress with a trouser as well as a Burqa on top to cover them from the head to the ankle. Men also had to wrap a hat or turban around their heads and keeping a long beard. Although the Afghan people have started to dress up with the clothing of their own choice for the last one decade, however, still in the particular areas of Taliban, the situation is not changed.
The traditional dress of Afghanistan was very tremendous and elegant; especially the traditional women attire is so unique for its beautiful embroidery which is mostly handmade.The women usually wear a long dress which is made with cotton fabric with a combination of various colors. For the lower part of the body, they use matching pants along with a head kerchief, a purse and a flat pair of shoes called Paizar.
The traditional dress for Afghan men is usually “Shalwar Kameez” which is also known as “Perahan Turban”. The dress is very popular as the large portion of the men population in Afghanistan wears this attire. The Afghan men wear “Shalwar Kameez” as their casual and also for their formal clothing. The dress is normally made with cotton and polyester but it can be made with the woolly fabric in winter. The new trends of decorating the dress with embroidery on the chest part and on the collar side are also very common. The Afghan men also use a “Waistcoat” worn over this dress to give their dress more dignified look.
Afghan Traditional Dresses Biography
Traditionally, Afghan dress reflects ethnic diversity and the socio-cultural, historical, and geopolitical dynamics of the region. The country’s traditional male clothing usually includes a kameez (dress), lungee (turban), karakul, pakol, topi, kufi (hats), and a chapan (coat). Occasionally some men wear or wrap keffiyehs on their heads. Traditional Afghan clothes vary by regions and sometimes ethnicities as well as tribes. Most traditional Afghan attire for women consists of a long colorful dress with round skirt. Women customarily wear four items of dress: partug (pants), kameez (overdress), septay (a head covering, and saplay (footwear). This ensemble is referred to as Afghani Kali, or Afghan women’s dress.
As a chiefly rural and nomadic population, the Pashtun dress of Afghanistan and Pakistan is typically made from light linens, and are loose fitting for ease of movement. The Pashtun dress includes shalwar kameez, which is differently made for males and females. Males usually wear kufi, Kandahari cap, turban or pakul as traditional headgear. Leaders sometimes wear a karakul hat, like President Hamid Karzai and former monarchs of Afghanistan. Many non-Pashtuns in Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Persia and surrounding neighbors have also adopted the dress because of comfort or other reasons.
Women typically wear solid-coloured trousers, a long qemis shirt with a belt and a cotton hijab. Often they will wear an encompassing burqa over this outfit.
More elaborate and fancier dresses are detailed with gold threading, gold beads, and come in many different colors on silk fabrics. These dresses are usually worn to special occasions and weddings.
People of Afghanistan dress appropriately for the climate that they live in . The men and women have different styles of dress, and their clothing is unlike other cultures in the world.
Afghan dress for women usually wear a Tombaan which are a type of pants, a Parahaan which is an overdress and a head covering which is called a Chaadar. They also wear shoes called Payzaar. Men have overshirts called Payraan and frequently wear hats called Kuliaa. During cold seasons men also have a shawl which they call a Shaal. The materials that they wear is usually made from cotton or a type of silk.
Muslim Dress and Afghanistan female citizens often dress in Burkas, which cover their bodies and face in public.
Women often embroider clothing most of afghan clothing is embroidered cotton or silk. the techniques for embroidering or pass down from mother to daughter.the styles for clothing art is a mix between Islamic and Indian.
Traditional, afghan dress reflects thin diversity and the socio-cultural, historical and geopolitical dynamics of the region.
The country and its people are positioned at the crossroasds between the Arab, persian , turkish and Asian empires.
Consequently, afghan dress shows strong aesthetic connections to areas contiguous to its borders: the Arab and Islamic middle east and Persia, the Turkish Ottoman Empire, and to lesser degree, mughal India.
For the last three decades, the Taliban Afghans have imposed strict clothing regulations as the women had to wear long dress with a trouser as well as a Burqa on top to cover them from the head to the ankle. Men also had to wrap a hat or turban around their heads and keeping a long beard. Although the Afghan people have started to dress up with the clothing of their own choice for the last one decade, however, still in the particular areas of Taliban, the situation is not changed.
The traditional dress of Afghanistan was very tremendous and elegant; especially the traditional women attire is so unique for its beautiful embroidery which is mostly handmade.The women usually wear a long dress which is made with cotton fabric with a combination of various colors. For the lower part of the body, they use matching pants along with a head kerchief, a purse and a flat pair of shoes called Paizar.
The traditional dress for Afghan men is usually “Shalwar Kameez” which is also known as “Perahan Turban”. The dress is very popular as the large portion of the men population in Afghanistan wears this attire. The Afghan men wear “Shalwar Kameez” as their casual and also for their formal clothing. The dress is normally made with cotton and polyester but it can be made with the woolly fabric in winter. The new trends of decorating the dress with embroidery on the chest part and on the collar side are also very common. The Afghan men also use a “Waistcoat” worn over this dress to give their dress more dignified look.
Afghan Traditional Dresses
Afghan Traditional Dresses
Afghan Traditional Dresses
Afghan Traditional Dresses
Afghan Traditional Dresses
Afghan Traditional Dresses

Afghan Traditional Dresses
Afghan Traditional Dresses
Afghan Traditional Dresses
Afghan Traditional Dresses
Afghan Traditional Dresses
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